Garden With Janet
Your Garden Journey Starts Here
Welcome to Garden With Janet! My name is Janet, and I have been passionate about gardening for several years. I originally started gardening as an outlet, I found it therapeutic, peaceful and purposeful in growing and nurturing plants to life.
It has done wonders in my life, so I wanted to share the essential power of growing plants. Sooooo I guess you can say I keep a lot of good company. My girlfriend Rosemary, and I always have a good Thyme gardening. Our friendship was Mint to be.
Plants and humans are a like in many ways. When we take time to get to know plants or the people in our lives, we create a space to know more about them, what they need and how to help them flourish. I want to share the gift of gardening with as many as I can. I hope you enjoy my garden boxes as much as I do and welcome to the gardening family!